Duck with Pistacio Nuts and Pappardelle

Pasta making has always been a favorite activity of our family.  We made it with neighbors, friends and family - especially during the holidays.  There are so many different kinds to make; stuffed, flavored and shaped macaroni.  Today it is readily available in fresh and dried varieties, however, one can taste pasta made from scratch with love.  There is the old fashioned way of making a well and incorporating ingredients with a fork.  It is much quicker to use a food processor or mixer with a dough hook.  The later is my preference. 

  • 4 c all-purpose flour (or substitute 1/3 with durum semolina flour)
  • 5 large eggs (6 if too dry)
  • 1 T extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 t salt

Place all ingredients in the bowl of a mixer and incorporate with the dough hook until it comes together in a bowl.  It may be necessary to turn the mixer off and push down the mixture on the sides.  Take out of the bowl and knead a couple of minutes.   Place the dough in a bowl greased with extra virgin olive oil, turning once to lightly coat the dough. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest at least 15 minutes to a half an hour. 

If a hand crank pasta machine is available, make thin sheets and cut in one inch stripes by 4 inches long with a knife.  Continue with the rest of the dough.  My Aunt Franny gave me a pasta bicycle, which you can adjust to desired width and cut several pieces at one time.  If a machine isn't an option, roll dough out thin on a lightly floured board and cut.

Of course you can purchase the pasta and continue from here.

  • 3 T extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 medium onion minced
  • 1 medium carrot chopped
  • 1 stalk of celery chopped
  • a few leaves of basil minced
  • 1 T minced fresh rosemary
  • 1 T minced fresh parsley
  • 2 large cloves of fresh garlic minced

Place the olive oil in a dutch oven.  Add the seven ingredients listed above and cook slowly over low heat.  

  • 1 duck
  • 1 1/2 c red wine
  • 1 c diced plum tomatoes
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 8 c water
  • 1 t extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup pistachio nuts

Wash duck and cut into pieces. Turn up to medium heat and add the duck to golden brown vegetables in dutch oven and brown on each side.  Increase to medium high heat and add the red wine, bringing to a boil. Cook until almost evaporated (about 10 minutes). Add the tomatoes, seasonings and water.  Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for three hours. 

When sauce and duck are done, boil the pasta in other pan and drain.  Debone duck and shred the meat being careful to ensure there are no bones.  Add back to the sauce.

 Toast the pistachio nuts in a small cast iron pan with olive oil over medium heat until light brown. Remove from heat and place nuts in a small bowl.

Mix the pasta with the sauce, plate and sprinkle with toasted nuts.  Enjoy!


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