Zucchini and Chicken Frittata

                         (These pictures are young zucchini in the early stages of this year's garden)

My grandfather and father enjoyed planting a vegetable garden behind the tennis court every year. It was relatively a good size. If my memory serves me correctly, it was approximately a 30' X 40' garden. I began joining them when I was around ten years old. We would turn the soil, plant the vegetables and then weed the garden as it grew. On of my favorite vegetables was fresh tomatoes. My grandmother would take a slice of bread, place a slice of american cheese on it and then add a couple of fresh, ripe and juicy tomatoe slices on top. Then she put it in under the broiler until the cheese bubbled and browned slightly. Yum! This recipe however, is about zucchini. As you can imagine, we ate a lot of yellow squash and zucchini. This recipe really is a great way to enjoy zucchini as a light summer dinner.

  • 1 small zucchini, cut in thin slices
  • 1 T olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic minced
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 6 large eggs, whisked
  • 1/4 c parmesan cheese, grated
  • 1 medium chicken breast, skinless, cooked and cubed
  • 4 ozs. shredded swiss or american cheese 

Put the olive oil in a 10" skillet (preferably non-stick).  Cook the zucchini over medium heat until tender.  Add minced garlic, salt and pepper.  Separately mix the eggs, cheeses and chicken.  Pour the egg mixture over zucchini and cook until it begins to set. Lift the sides of the frittata with a rubber spatula as it cooks, allowing any liquid to go into pan underneath and around frittata. Once firm and no longer runny, loosen the sides of the frittata slip it onto a plate.  With a potholder, place the skillet over the frittata and flip so the plate is on top and the frittata is back into the skillet.  Return the skillet to stove briefly to firm up the underside.   Slide to a serving platter serve hot.


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