Grilled Polenta with Calamari Sauce

I really enjoyed this dish made by a local restaurant that no longer is in business.  Longing for this delicious combination, I headed to the kitchen.  The polenta can be made creamy and sauce served on top for a quick and easy version, however, grilled polenta is encouraged. 


  • 6 c water
  • 2 T salt
  • 16 ozs. polenta
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1/2 c parmesan cheese

In a large sauce pan, add the water and salt and bring to a boil.  Slowly add the polenta, whisking constantly, to avoid lumps.  Stir in butter and cheese.  Lower to simmer, stir occasionally with a wooden spoon until thick.  Watch carefully.

In a buttered 13" X 9" pan, pour polenta mixture and cool completely.

Once cooled, sliced into desired size squares.  I slice down the middle and then across in two equally apart lines, making size same size squares.

On greased grill grates, over medium heat, place the squares. After two minutes, flip and grill for two more minutes.

Place on individual serving dishes and pour a ladle of calamari sauce over the top, drizzle with some fresh parsley and serve.

Calamari Sauce

  • 4 T olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 28 oz. cans crushed tomatoes
  • 2 t fresh thyme
  • 1 t fresh oregano
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 lbs. calamari, bodies cut into rings and whole tentacles

In a medium sauce pan, heat the oil and garlic over low heat for three minutes.  Add the crushed tomatoes, the thyme, oregano, salt and pepper. Turn up to medium heat for fifteen minutes.  Add the calamari and any juices and cook for three more minutes.  Remove from heat and serve immediately.  Do not continue to cook the sauce with the calamari in it or it will become rubbery.


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