Spicy Pumpkin Pie

I have made this pie for as long as I can remember.  It has just the right amount of spices.  I always used to make two of them, on for our Mom and one for us.  She loved pumpkin pie!  Hope you like it too.

  • 2 c cooked pumpkin
  • 1 ½ c condensed milk
  • ¼ c brown sugar
  • ½ c sugar
  • ½ t salt
  • 1 t cinnamon
  •  ½ t ginger
  • ¼ t nutmeg
  • 1/8 t ground cloves
  • 2 eggs, beaten

In a mixing bowl, mix pumpkin and milk together.  In a separate bowl, mix together the sugars and spices and then add to the pumpkin mixture.   Beat in eggs and pour into a 9 inch unbaked pie shell.  Bake at 425 degrees for fifteen minutes.  Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for 45 minutes. 

A way to tell that it is done is to insert a knife into the center.  If it comes out clean, the pie is ready.  Cool on a rake and store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.



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