Pesto Chicken

Pesto chicken is perfect for a dinner party as it allows you to enjoy your company while dinner cooks.  This dish is ideal in the summer when both the basil and tomatoes can be picked fresh from your garden.

  • 2 chicken breasts, boneless, sliced in half, pounded   
  • ¼ c basil pesto
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 c mozzarella, shredded
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Place chicken in a baking pan and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Spread pesto over chicken, then place tomato slices over pesto.  Sprinkle mozzarella over tomatoes and bake thirty fives.  Serve immediate.


  • 1 ½ c basil, packed
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • ¼ c pignoli nuts
  • ¼ c parmesan cheese, freshly grated
  • 1/8 c olive oil

Place basil, garlic pignoli nuts and parmesan in a food processor and process.  Place in a bowl and mix in oil.


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