Polenta and Prosciutto Balls Appetizer

We have enjoyed polenta the traditional way for years with sauce.  Polenta balls are a great way to serve polenta as an appetizer.  They would be good in a soup also with some escarole, chicken and carrots.

  • 2 c chicken broth
  • 1 c milk 
  • 2 sticks butter
  • 1 t salt
  • 1 ¼ c polenta
  • ¼ c prosciutto, cut in small pieces
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • ¼ c parmesan cheese
  • 1 T fresh parsley, chopped
  • arugula

Line a baking sheet with wax paper and set aside.  Place some arugula on four small plates, cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate while making balls.

Place broth, milk and ½ stick of butter in a large pan over high heat.  Once boiling, whisk in polenta and reduce heat to medium.  Cook for two minutes, stirring constantly with a wood spoon.  Reduce heat to low, continue to stir until thickened. 

Place the polenta in a large bowl and stir in prosciutto, yolks, parmesan cheese and parsley.   Let rest for twenty minutes.

Taking a tablespoon of the mixture at a time, form into balls and place on prepared baking sheet and set aside.

Place a stick of butter in a small pan over medium low heat and cook until butter turns a light brown.  Take off heat and set aside.

While the butter browns, melt the remaining four tablespoons of butter in a non-stick skillet over medium heat.  Place half of the balls in the skillet and cook, browning all sides.

Remove the arugula lined plates from the refrigerator.

When all balls are cooked, divide them among the prepared plates. Pour brown butter over them and serve.


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