Stuffed Artichokes

Although artichokes are available year-round in the supermarket, they are best in the Spring.   Even though they grace our Palm Sunday and Easter table, we do eat them in the Fall too.

  • 2 dutch ovens
  • 6 medium size artichokes
  • 2 c bread crumbs
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 4 T parsley, chopped
  • 2 t salt
  • 1 t pepper
  • 2 t garlic powder
  • 1 ½ c parmesan cheese
  • olive oil for drizzling
  • mozzarella cheese

Slice off the bottom stem and slice an X into the bottom so artichokes will be flat in the dutch oven.

With a good serrated knife and slice off the top third of the artichoke where the leaves are pointy.   With your kitchen shears, cut off the tips of the remaining leaves, then open the leaves.

Mix all the breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, garlic powder, parmesan cheese and a little olive oil.  With a spoon, place the mixture in between all the separated leaves.  Do not pack.    Place the filled artichoke in the dutch oven.  Continue with all the artichokes (three should fit snuggly in each dutch oven).   Drizzle artichokes with olive oil.

Fill the dutch ovens with water half way up the artichokes.   Into the water add some roughly chopped garlic cloves and a little olive oil.  Place over medium heat for a few hours until outer leaves begin to fall off and other leaves are easy to pull.  You may have to add water during cooking to keep at the same level.  Within the last twenty minutes, top with mozzarella and let it melt in and serve.       


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