Clam Dip

Our grandmother made clam dip on the holidays and served it with potato chips.  Cherry stones from the beach were in abundance when we were growing up and made their way in dips, chowder and pie.  Clam pie was a Christmas Eve tradition at Gram and Grampa's.  Very good.

  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup 
  • 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 
  • 3 T water 
  • 8 ozs cream cheese 
  • 1 c mayonnaise 
  • 10 ozs whole baby clams, without juice and patted dry 
  • 1 c celery, chopped

Place soup in a pan over medium heat with gelatin and stir in 3 T water and cook for three minutes.   Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Place the cream cheese and mayonnaise in a medium bowl and mix together.   Mix in the cooled soup mixture.  Add clams and celery.   Place clam dip in a small bowl and chill overnight.  Stir up before serving.


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