Dover Sole


Dover sole is light and flaky.  We first enjoyed it in Vermont at the Chanteclare Restaurant.  If you haven't had it, you really should give a try.

  • 3 lbs dover sole 
  • 1 c dry white wine 
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 2 t paprika 
  • 2 T flour 
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ c olive oil 
  • 3 T butter lemon wedges

Place sole in a shallow bowl, cover with the wine and set aside for twenty minutes.

Line a baking dish with paper towel.   Lay some filets on the paper towel.   Pat the tops dry with another paper towel.  Season the fish with salt then black pepper, paprika, and finally with the flour. Place a dry paper towel over the first row of filets, and repeat with another row. Continue until all the fish have been done.

Place 1 T of oil and 1 T of butter in a large skillet over medium high heat.  Add a third of the garlic, and spread evenly around the pan with a spatula.   Place a few of the filets into the pan seasoned side down, without overcrowding.   Season with salt and paprika.   After two minutes, flip and cook for an additional two minutes. Remove place in a 200 degree oven to keep warm.   Repeat with the remaining filets. Serve with lemon wedges.

Serving suggestion:  Place the filets over pasta seasoned with garlic/butter/olive oil, rice pilaf or hash brown casserole.


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