Raspberry Roll


This roll is light and airy - perfect to make when raspberries are ready to pick in late summer.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Grease a 10½” X 15½” jelly roll pan and line it with wax paper, leaving 1 inch of overhang on each end. Grease the wax paper and set aside.

  • ¼ c cake flour 
  • 2 T flour 
  • ½ t salt 
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature 
  • 3 large egg yolks, room temperature 
  • ¾ c sugar, divided 
  • 3 large egg whites, room temperature 
  • ¼ t cream of tartar 
  • 1 t vanilla extract 
  • confectionary sugar, for dusting

In a small bowl, whisk the cake flour, flour and salt to combine and set aside.

In a medium bowl, beat the eggs and egg yolks for two minutes. Slowly add ½ cup sugar and beat for five minutes. 

In another bowl beat the egg whites and cream of tartar for two minutes. On medium high, add the remaining sugar slowly and beat for three minutes. Beat in the vanilla and mix to combine.

Sprinkle half the flour mixture over the egg yolk mixture and fold in gently. Sprinkle the remaining flour over the mixture and repeat.

Add a quarter of the meringue to the batter and mix.  Fold in the remaining meringue a little at at time, folding very gently until incorporated. Do not over mix. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and spread evenly, work quickly so the batter doesn't deflate.  Bake seven minutes until center is done.

Sprinkle confectionary sugar on a dish towel.

Invert cake onto prepared dish towel. Carefully peel away the wax paper from the cake. With one of the long sides of the cake facing you, roll it tightly. Side aside to the cake cool completely.


  • 8 ozs raspberries 
  • ¼ c sugar 
  • 1 c butter, room temperature 
  • 4 ozs cream cheese, room temperature  
  • 10 ozs  white chocolate, melted and cooled slightly 
  • 2 c confectionary sugar 
  • 1 t vanilla extract 
  • pinch salt

Place the raspberries and sugar in a pan over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally for seven minutes. Remove from heat,  mash with a fork, then strain the mixture through a sieve, collecting the juice and discarding the rest. Set aside.

Cream the butter, cream cheese and white chocolate for two minutes. Add the sugar, vanilla and salt.  Place half into a bowl.   Add the cooled raspberry juice to the remaining filling and mix to combine.  Refrigerate this mixture for ten minutes.

Unroll the cake and with one of the long sides facing you. Place on wax paper dusted with confectionary sugar.  Place the white filling over cake and then the raspberry filling over cake. Spread the mixture back and forth a few times to even out any spots and to lightly blend the two fillings together.

Starting with the long side closest to you, gently roll up the cake into a log. Refrigerate the roll.

Whipped Cream Frosting

  • 2 c whipping cream 
  • 2 T confectionary sugar

Place the whipping cream and confectionary sugar in a bowl and whisk until peaks form.  Remove roll from refrigerator and spread over roll.  Return to refrigerator until ready to serve.


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