Picnic Sandwiches

Our daughter had a party on her patio and made assorted sandwiches in stead of the usual hamburger and hot dogs.  What a great idea - everyone loved it.   Although this wasn't on her menu, it would be a great choice as it is made the day before, leaving more time with guests.

  • 2 sticks butter 
  • 1 ½ T poppy seeds 
  • ½ onions, diced and caramelized 
  • 1 ½ T worcestershire sauce 
  • 2 T honey mustard 
  • 2 pkgs dinner rolls 
  • 3 cups chicken, cooked and shredded 
  • 1 lb ham, sliced 
  • 1 lb swiss cheese, sliced 
  • mustard 
  • dill pickles, sliced

Place butter, poppy seeds, onion, worcestershire sauce and mustard in a sauce pan over medium heat and stir until blended.   Pour half the mixture into bottom of baking dish.

Place the bottom half of the rolls in the baking dish on top of the sauce.   Place the chicken, ham, cheese, pickles and mustard on top of the buns and then the tops of buns.

With a shared knife, cut through the sandwiches and pour rest of sauce over tops of sandwiches, cover and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Bake rolls for twenty five minutes until rolls are lightly browned and cheese is melted.


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