Tortellini with Sausage and Gorgonzola Cream Sauce

Our mother loved sour cream and added it to many concoctions she created.  This is one of those recipes that would invoke that happy sound she made.   Definitely a comfort dish.

  • 1 lb. sweet Italian sausage, cooked and ground
  • 6 tbsp butter
  • 8 ozs. mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2/3 c cream
  • 1 c sour cream
  • 2/3 c gorgonzola cheese
  • 1 c frozen peas
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 22 ozs. fresh cheese tortellini
  • fresh parsley, chopped

 Place four tablespoons of  butter in a skillet over medium heat.  Add mushroom and cook for five minutes.  Add garlic and cook two more minutes.  Stir in cream, sour cream and cheese.  Add peas and simmer for seven minutes.   Add ground sausage, salt and pepper. 

 Cook tortellini until tender, drain and top with sauce. Garnish with chopped fresh parsley.


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