Corned Beef Stuffed Bread

A twist of the Reuben sandwich, this stuffed bread does not disappoint. 

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

  • 3 c flour 
  • 1 t salt
  • 2 t caraway seeds
  • 2 t active dry yeast
  • ¼ c dried potato flakes
  • 1 T sugar
  • 4 T butter, melted
  • 1 c plus 2 T warm (not hot) water

Whisk together the flour, salt, seeds, and flakes in a large bowl.   In a separate bowl, place the sugar, water and melted butter.  Stir the yeast into the water and butter mixture.  Then add the yeast mixture into the dry ingredients, mixing until a soft dough forms.   Knead the dough for ten minutes and place  in a greased bowl, cover, and let rise for one hour.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  • 12 ozs corned beef, sliced thin
  • 1 ½ c sauerkraut, drained
  • 1 ¾ c Swiss cheese, grated

Put the corned beef on one half of a parchment-lined baking sheet. Spread the drained sauerkraut on the other half. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, stirring the sauerkraut and corned beef occasionally.  Remove from the oven and let cool to room temperature.

Roll the dough into a rectangle on a lightly floured board and roll out to a 12" x 16" rectangle. Layer the cooled corned beef over the dough (leaving a one inch boarder of dough on all sides) and sprinkle the baked sauerkraut over the meat, then the cheese.

Roll the dough up from the short edge and tuck in the ends.   Place the bread, seam side down, on prepared baking sheet.  Cover with a light-weight towel and let rise for half an hour in a warm, draft-free place.

Remove the towel and bake for forty minutes.  If it browns too quickly towards the end, cover with foil and continue to bake.    Remove from the oven and let rest for ten minutes before serving.

Serve warm with some Russian dressing on the side.


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