Mashed Potato Cakes

If you are lucky enough to have leftover mashed potatoes from your Thanksgiving dinner, this is a delicious way to use them up.   They can also be used as an interesting side for dinner.

  • 2 T olive oil
  • ¼ c pancetta
  • 5 c mashed potatoes
  •  4 large eggs
  •  1 c parmesan cheese
  •  ¼ c fresh basil, chopped
  •  salt and pepper to taste
  •  ¼ c milk
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Grease muffin tins .
Place olive oil and pancetta in a skillet over medium heat and cook for five minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside.
Place the mashed potatoes, the eggs, three quarters cup of cheese, milk, basil and pancetta in a large bowl and mix well.
Place a heaping amount of the mixture in each muffin cup and sprinkle the remaining quarter cup of cheese on top.
Bake for twenty minutes, remove from the oven and cool for five minutes in the pan.  Serve immediately.


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